However, after today's Jailbreak of the 3GS, I found out that my purchased/licensed MyWi is unable to be install properly.
I tried the other MyWi versions (No Rock) but keep getting the crash asked for a "Restart". Rebooting the iPhone doesn;t work since it still operate in "Safe Mode".
The only way to exit from the "Safe Mode" is to uninstall MyWi app.
Probably the current MyWi version is not compatible with iOS 4.0.
Just noticed this... Some of the apps are not compatible as yet..
Also, I happened to read this Forum post but its already too late... :-(
Click here --> iOS 4 and MyWi
Important Note: You need to have a jailbroken phone to install Rock Your Phone Applications. The information below will help guide you on getting Rock Your Phone onto your iPhoneRock works best on the latest OS releases from Apple. If you have and iPhone or iPod Touch this means OS version 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 on the iPad the only OS is 3.2:All users should use the newest jailbreak called Spirit which was released on May 2nd, 2010 to install RockApp on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.