iPhone 5 a.k.a. iPhone Nano

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  • Is this for real?
  • It was speculated that iPhone 5 will be release this Summer (or June) 2011 with the groundbreaking iOS 5. However, not much information but here's some of the rumors:-
    • Apple designed A5 processor which is 4 times faster than A4
    • Voice recognition
    • Global Skype support
    • No contract to telcos
    • Nano size (?)
  • Knowing Apple, they will not launch a "shrink iPhone 4" which is not groundbreaking. Apple is a "Game Changing" Company. It will certainly make a big jump for any new products produced.
  • But sometimes we do wonder what more can be incorporated into iPhone? There might a lot more of wish list probably - I would like Augmented reality and more ambient intelligence built-in.