[HOW-TO] - Enable Multitasking Gestures iPhone 4 iOS 4.3.1

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  • Do you have problem of trying to edit N90AP.plist but cannot find it in iPhone 4?
  • Do you have problem of enabling Multitasking gesture for your iPad iOS 4.3.1?
  • Do you have problem editing the plist files?
  • Try this -- Download MT Gestures from Cydia (if you have a jailbroken iPhone)
  • Then follow the procedure in the Settings --> MT Gestures

  • Here's a video showing how you can use the Multitasking Gestures on an iPad.
  • The experience on iPad is far better than a smaller screen iPhone 4.

Other resources:-

  1. Simon Blog
  2. Solid Blogger
  3. iJustin