Here’s how..
[SOURCE: Here]
Admittedly, the option to tell iCloud which specific apps you want backed up is somewhat buried, but the chart below walks you through finding it, left to right, with detailed instructiion
1. First, go to Settings and select iCloud. You'll see some apps here, but notice these are only the pre-installed Apple apps! We want to find all the apps.
2. Scroll down to Storage & Backup, and tap it.
3. Choose the third choice shown, Manage Storage.
4. Select the entry for your phone under Backups. Mine is named simply "Jill's Phone."
5. Here, you'll see a list of the top five storage-using apps. Scroll down and click Show All, and then select, app by app, which items you want to back up.
6. Decide which of your apps you don't want to back up; toggle those to "off." A red button reading "Turn Off & Delete" will appear. If you click it, you'll still have the app and its data locally on your iPhone; you're just "deleting" its data from iCloud's backup.
At the bottom of the screen, you'll see how much space you have available. If you can clean up your app backup, you should be able to better optimize that free 5GB. Of course, if you want to back up everything, you can pay Apple for extra storage space, starting at $20 a year for 10GB more.