Using my First Android Smartphone

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  • Bought this gadget after a quick review regarding the how Galaxy Notes fits the professionals who wish to use this gadget in their everyday works. I thought it fits my requirements and thus went to Sg. Wang and here it is! My first Android smartphone!
  • I have always been an avid user and owner of Apple gadgets. To be one of the user that tries to move to the "dark side", I would say it was a really challenging one!
  • Android user interface is like a "jungle" - You can virtually get yourself lost in it! Even though this Samsung model came with Gingerbread the GUI is still so unfamiliar to me!
  • Getting around the apps and changing configurations are so difficult (for a person who have been using a simple GUI from Apple since the iPod and iPhone days). Initially I can virtually "vomit" and making me crazy.
  • However, one particular application called "Aptoide" actually saves my Samsung Galaxy from being an expensive idle toy...  You don't need to Jailbreak (iPhone style) to get a similar feature like "Aptoide".
  • There are few things that attract me: the screen display and the S Pen feature.
  • The screen is so much clear and because of its size, watching video is much better than the iPhone.
  • S Pen is great during meetings whereby you don't want to carry bulky diary or notepads and just jotting down some notes. In a boring meeting session, its great for scribbling and making graffiti. I love its simple way to capture screenshots, edit and later email to friends or post to our favorite social websites.