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Are you an Android or iOS Fan?
- I have been using an Android device for nearly a month now (Nov. 18, 2011). And maybe its about time to talk and confess what's my preference - am I a truly an Apple fan or have turned to the Dark Side?
- Its like a Battle between Android vs iOS, Samsung vs Apple, Google vs Apple, Galaxy vs iPhone, Galaxy Note vs iPhone 4S. Everyone and every company wants to take a bite at the Apple.
- Apple has built its Eco-System of developers and devices for quite sometime. Even before they introduced the iPhone, we already have been using their iTunes, iPods and Macs. Thus, it became very natural for most of their fans to use their next devices - iPhone and iPad.
- Apple is amazing in making all the UI (User Interface) very friendly. Not only they controlled the hardware but they also controlled the OS (now they termed it as iOS). Even the latest Mac OS X Lion have similar IOS interface.
- When Apple upgraded their Mobile Me to iCloud, it clearly showed the power of their iOS and the ability of seamless networking. Everytime, we updated or purchased new contents, it will automatically backup to iCloud. Our photos or edited documents will instantly appear in all devices.
- Before Apple introduced the intelligent voice recognition named Siri, all of us can be called the "Touch" generation i.e. the only way to interact with the device is via "touch". But Apple has changed the way we interact with the device i.e. via voice. Siri is still in the Beta stage but soon all the things that we say will be captured and "learned" by Siri server. And by that time - Siri will be the Center Stage for the next Era of ubiquitous computing.
- It has been rumored that the next big thing from Apple would be "Apple Television" with Siri built-in. No one knows how this will change the TV industry. The border between IT and broadcast industries will be blurred.
- OK - now what is it like to own an Android from Google? I chose Samsung Galaxy Note as my first Android device.
- Why a Samsung Galaxy Note? Reason - due to its awesome form factor that fits between an iPad and iPhone. My first thought and wish is to use the Note as a real "Note" to replace my Paper Diary/Notes. Just watching the Samsung videos can certainly attract anyone to buy a Note. Fancy having a single device that serves many purposes - a Phone and Tablet and a NOTE!
- I will not get down to its technical details but would like to highlight as a first user to Android device. The first couple of weeks for me is like "hell" because as an Apple user for many users, I am used to the ease of iOS GUI. But the Android interface is like "walking in the jungle" - you can easily get lost!
- Android is an "Open System" - thus it allows the user to tweak as much as you like. Each application has the ability to tweak and configure to you likings. Moving around the GUI (in my case it was Gingerbread) can sometimes really test my patience.
- The first thing I do is to "Root" my Galaxy Note. Its quite easy but I need to use the PC to do that. This is what really annoys me - Android is not that user friendly with Mac OS. Most developers that create apps to "Root" or "Flash ROMS" are mainly meant for PC users. But ... I am a truly Mac user. It will take sometime to adjust and find the right utilities for my Mac to work with Android.
- Most apps that can be found in iPhone are also available in Android Marketplace. However, not all apps cater for Samsung Galaxy Note. This is one of the disadvantages for developers to create apps i.e. to cater to too many variants of Android devices.
- Samsung is notorious in developing so many sizes of their Galaxy devices. It can be 3-inch, 5-inch, 5-inch, 7-inch, 9-inch, 11-inch etc. I lost count of all the names and sizes. Samsung really flood the market with their models. This can be a good sign (i.e. to protect the market from Apple) or bad sign (they can't get good margin since they need to produce different volume of scale for different devices unlike Apple which only produce 1 phone per year).
- What I love most about Galaxy Note in which iPhone or iPad can't do is the S Pen and the ability to Sketch. Its very easy to draw cartoons and "Share" to many of the Social Media sites.
- Are there any other things which Galaxy Note can do but Apple devices can't? Nope - I don't think so. But again - as I said, its capability to sketch is awesome!
- Android device is great for people who love to hack their devices. Apple don't allow the users to this easily unless someone have already jailbreak their device.
- Android allow users to change their Themes, Widgets, Home Screens -this will make every Android device "different" from one another. Borrowing another Android device can be also a nightmare since the interface looks so different. But its either you HATE or LOVE it...!
- So - what's my preference now? Its hard to say - I received my iPhone 4S nearly a week after I purchased my Galaxy Note.
- Android and IOS are two different worlds. Its either you hate it or love it.
- I love to explore new devices. I enjoyed exploring my iPhone 4 but currently the iPhone 4S which runs on A5 chip doesn't have the Untethered Jailbreak solution yet. Thus, I am stucked with whatever apps Apple has allowed me to use. And that's not fun for me. That's why I am still exploring the Galaxy Note.
- In fact I am still buying more accessories for the Galaxy Note. Previously purchased a Leather Pouch. And recently S Pen Holder Kit from eBay!
- My friends was really surprised when they heard I bought an Android device and bet that I will not use it for long. Not more than 1 month - they said. But surprise...surprise! Here I am ... still writing this Blog and updating information regarding the Galaxy Note!