FACETIME iPhone 4 - Waiting for Activation Error

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  • It seems quite a number of users a facing this problem.
  • In Malaysia, there are many cases especially for Celcom subscribers. Officially - only Maxis and Digi are selling iPhone 4. Celcom has yet to officially launch their iPhone 4.
  • My theory for those who are not able to get their Facetime activated is probably either due to the SMSC is unable to send the activation code to the users or Celcom is intentionally blocked this activation for the time being.
  • Blocking Facetime activation is a way to deter customers from buying Celcom's competitors iPhone 4.
  • That's my 2 cents worth of theory.
  • I purchased the iPhone 4 months ago and have no problem activating Facetime on my Celcom line. I think this problem just recently occurred for the new users.