[HOW-TO] - Unlock iPhone 4 Basebands 2.10.04 / 3.10.01 with Gevey SIM

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  • Are you ready to unlock your iPhone 4 basebands?
  • A new group of hacker called "Gevey Team" managed to unlock iPhone 4 running on iOS 4.1 and 4.2.1 basebands 2.10.04 and 3.10.01 using hardware tool.
  • Initially when the 1st hardware tool unlock was released back during the iPhone 3G days, I used to try it but it gave me a BAD experience!
  • The simcard always seems to be stuck in the simcard slot! I have to send for service centre to get it out. The additional thickness that caused it to get stucked.
  • Thus - if you dare to try it, please beware...! You have been warned!