Macbook Air vs iPad 2

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Photo Credit (Redmond Pie)
  • iPad 2 has a thickness of 8.8mm (thinner than iPhone 4) whereas the Macbook Air is 17 mm at its thickest, and 2.8mm at its thinnest.
  • It looks like the Air is much thinner.
  • Which one will you carry around? As for me - I carry around my MBA at the office/home and my iPad 1 is mainly at home or during my travel (outside office) or vacation. Of course I need to carry my iPhone 4 (since my iPad is WiFi only)
  • MBA can do a lot more for my work as compared to iPad. Nothing can replace the Powerpoint, Word, Photoshop, Emailing, Surfing.
  • But the iPad excel in other ways - light browsing, digital newspaper, ebook reading, gaming, watching videos...
  • I used to list down 13 reasons why I like my iPad. I tried to purchase a lot of Productivity Apps after a month of usage thinking it can "really" increase my daily productivity.
  • After 2 months of usage, I tried downloading several apps that can read PDF files to make my life easier reading eBooks. But it still failed to change my reading lifestyle.
  • I heard a lot of students trying to justify their iPad purchase without knowing the long term impact to their study habits.
  • I began to find my natural ways of using the iPad after 100 days.
  • Nowadays (i.e. after 1 year using iPad), I think the best iPad app for me would be Flipboard. This is my Digital Newspaper and my reading material at home.