[Update] - Saurik helped Pod2G regarding iPhone 4S Untether Jailbreak iOS 5.0/5.01 (Before or After Xmas?)

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  • Pod2G was busy last Sunday to solve the untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 4S iOS 5.0/5.0.1 when he managed to get an iPhone 4S to test.
  • However, on Dec. 19, 2011, he reported in his pod2g's Blog that the untether fails.
  • But on Dec. 20, 2011, saurik, the iOS guru helped in solving one of the missing puzzle.
  • How soon will we be able to get the Untethered Jailbreak? Is it before or after Xmas? or before New Year?
  • See comments from pod2g's blog below.

Monday, December 19, 2011
Here are the news of the 4S week-end.
The untether fails right now because I'm having processor cache issues.
I'm close, but I can't figure out what happens. It certainly has something to do with the Cortex-A9 cache management.
I could sort it out quick, it's a matter of chance.
I'll report you my progress tomorrow.
BTW: I removed (sorry) the greetings messages so that only articles related to the jailbreak remain in the main page. AFAIK Blogger don't have the option to move or fusion messages while keeping the comments.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
No more cache troublesOK, figured it out, the A5 cache is not a problem anymore.
I sorted it out by doing the untether in a single thread and by flushing all the dcache then all the icache in a row at a strategical point of the process.
It took me like a hundred of tests to find the key. Hard for the nerves.
For the tech guys, here is a link explaining issues related to self modifying code ( or code patching ) on the ARM platform : http://blogs.arm.com/software-enablement/141-caches-and-self-modifying-code/
Another news : I discussed with @saurik today about the launchd boot process, and he's found one missing piece of the puzzle I needed to have a perfectly stable jailbreak. He's definitly one of the best iOS gurus out there. Thank you saurik!
Posted by pod2g at 2:02 AM 240 comments
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