The iPhone 4 Antenna Song

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On July 16, Apple made a press Conference --> Live iPhone 4 press event coverage

And there's a new song regarding the iPhone 4 antenna problems.
"If you don’t want an iPhone 4 don’t buy it! If you bought one and you don’t like it, bring it back!”

“This is life in the smartphone world. Phones aren’t perfect.”
“Samsung’s Omnia 2 — it’s got four bars to start. None of this is standardizes by the way. Manufacturers come up with their own ways to show bars.” It went from five to one bar by holding it tightly. “We could have gone on and on, but most smartphones behave exactly the same way.”
“Five bars to one bar. You can imagine that’s a popular way to grip that phone. Next: the HTC Droid Eris.” Shows the bars dropping from 4 to zero bars.
“We did our own testing — let me show you an example of some other smartphones. First, BB Bold 9700, perhaps the most popular business smartphone.” Video showing the bars — they drop from four or five to one. “Pretty much identical to the videos on the web about the iPhone 4.”