STM Scout XS for iPad

Just ordered online via today.
Expected delivery date (latest): June 24, 20
Shipping date: 1-2 June, 2010

Details of the bag is --> STM

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Truly Wireless Broadband

When you get yr Internet Download speed > 2 Mbps, I am sure you will be doubly happy. This is what happened to me when my Celcom colleagues helped to optimize the coverage at my place.
Just look at the speed tests results!!

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Location:Jalan UP 3/1,Ampang,Malaysia

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In Search of an iPad Bag

For the past week, have been evaluating many iPad Messenger Bags on the Net. The ones which attracted me can't be purchase directly from Amazon or online due their shipping restrictions are only US based.

Some products don't have enough reviews thus quite worried to buy.

This will be a tough week for me. Need to do more research on this during my spare time.

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A new Apple Wireless Keyboard

Item: Apple Wireless Keyboard
Price: RM 229
Place: Machines, KLCC
Date: May 22, 2010
Tested with iPad - ok

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The accessories

The Bag

The Mini-USB to Micro-USB adapter and the iPad Pen

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Yodobashi Camera at Akihabara

I think this is one of the largest electronic store in Tokyo.
Bought myself some accessories.
- A Bag for iPad
- An iPad pen
- Mini usb-to-micro usb
- Phone accessories

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My iPad Got A Camera!

I installed an app called Camera for iPad on both the iPad and iPhone 3GS. Connect via Bluetooth ans voila!! The iPad now have a camera!

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My iPad as Malaysian Delegate

Here's my iPad at work in the Asia-Pacific Telecommunications and ICT Development Forum.
Sitting on Malaysian Table...

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Location:1丁目,Shinjuku Ward,Japan

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The iPad just got a new Case

Juat bought a Leather Case for iPad cost ¥ 2980 at Yodobaahi Camera shop near my Hotel.

YouTube Video

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Review: After 1 month using iPad

  1. How often do I use the iPad? As for me, for the past 1 month I have been busy identifying the right applications to download and use. Have been reading alot of reviews.
  2. Finally, Jailbreaking opens up more possibilities for me to test a lot more apps. Apptrackr opens up a whole new world.
  3. I prefer to download "Productivity" apps as compared to others because I see the iPad as a tool to increase my Productivity.
  4. The question - Is it really true that iPad can increase my Productivity?
  5. Even after a month, I don't have much time to explore the features of the apps which I have installed.
  6. Maybe more than 80% usage of iPad is for browsing purposes. Most probably because its very easy to press a simple button and click Safari and in a few seconds, you are visiting the intended sites. Unlike, the laptop which requires a few minutes to boot up. And of course, the iPad screen is no match for iPhone.
  7. Another common app is BlogPress, which is the one I am currently using to post my Blog. Since it is Universal, I have it installed on both iPad and iPhone.
  8. I have 3 ToDo apps i.e ToDo, List N Do and Taska... All three of them sync seamlessly using te onlite task manager Very convenient.
Other Reviews:

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How To Access iPad Files From the Finder using Netatalk

Netatalk, for those of you unfamiliar with it is a free jailbreak app that conveniently allows you to access your iDevice’s entire file system remotely from the Finder. Put more simply, it’s the perfect solution to access all of your iPad, iPhone and iPod files directly, for FREE.

Netatalk is a free and open source implementation of Apple Talk for Unix devices which, basically, lets you use Apple’s standard file sharing between a Mac and an iPhone, in the Finder. And luckily for us, an iPad: Netatalk is compatible with iPhone OS 3.2, so feel free to fire up Cydia and install it. If you still have to jailbreak your iPad and get going with Cydia, you can read our post here. Once you’ve installed Netatalk, the iPad will respring. To get Netatalk to work you’ll have to reboot though, and if you’re using SBSettings (also from Cydia, a must have tool) tap on Power, then Reboot and wait for the iPad to restart. It should take around 10 seconds.

Now take a look at your Finder sidebar, ’cause a nice iPad icon should be there under the “Shared” tab. Make sure that both the devices (iPad and Mac) and using the same local network. This is the kind of Netatalk magic we were talking about before. Now click on it and the Finder will ask you a username and password to access the device: the default ones are “root” and “alpine”, but you can read this tutorial here on how to change the password. Anyway, choose to remember the connection and here you go: you’re now browsing your iPad file system.

More details --> HERE

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How to Use iPad with the Magic Mouse

I have been wondering for sometime how I can control my iPad with the Magic Mouse.

1 - It needs a Jailbroken iPad.
2 - Need to install BTStack Mouse app from Cydia.
3 - Start the app and let the app discover yr Magic Mouse. Once it has discovered, simply connect the mouse and it should now be working. Voila!
4 - If required, you can adjust the Mouse speed.

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Continue Reading... - Excellent Site for yr iPad [BLOG]

If you are looking for iPad apps, Apptrackr is one of the best site.
And your iPad companion should be a Jailbroken iPad with Appsync 3.2 and Installous installed. Install Download Safari plug-in if you want to.

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ToDo for iPad ($4.99)

After reading quite a number of good reviews, I decided to purchase this today. True enough, the graphics are quite amazing!

Good review -- iPad Application Review and also read this "iPad Quick Review on ToDo for iPad"

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I have just Jailbroken my iPad..!! [MY BLOG]

Within 3 minutes the iPad was Jailbroken!
That's using SPIRIT Jailbreak Solution.

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Cydia Apps - What Works and What Doesn't

Before attempting the Spirit Jailbreak, I am checking out the Cydia Applications that works and what doesn't on iPad.

Cydia Apps on iPad: What Works, What Doesn't

iPad Jailbreak Compatibility

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iPad vs iPhone Usage

People ask me - now after you have purchased the iPad, did you use it regularly and more often than iPhone?
Frankly speaking.... No.
Reason being, iPad is not meant to be carrying around 100% of the time. The size limits the mobility. Unlike iPhone, which you can simply carrying around in the phone case which is placed around the belt.

However, I used iPad regularly when I am home. More often compared to my Macbook and iPhone. How about in the office? Hmmm... I am yet to to be comfortable carrying around in meetings. Its still odd having to replace the Pen and Paper. Not wanting the Boss or colleagues look at you differently during meetings. They might have thought you are not focusing on the meeting but instead busy browsing or do other things...

In my organization, there are currently 2 people using iPads as compred to iPhones.
So, its a matter of time for me to being comfortable carrying the iPad.

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Blogging via iPhone and iPad

How easy can we get with Blogpress app?

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Good site to learn the Top 500 apps in various countries.
It will give you an idea which apps are popular before you make any purchase decision.

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Sitemeter - Day 1 (after installed)

Just installed a Javascript to my Blog site.

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Can iPad replace yr traditional Pen and Paper?

Normally what do we carry to meeting? A diary or notepad with pen.

So what can an iPad do? For people who have not been using computer or their PDA for daily use, they might find an iPad to be quite an odd device to use.
Actually, with the right skills, mindset and of course the right appliations, iPad will transform the way you work.

The default apps such as Safari Browser, Email and Calendar are a must.
However, we need other productivity apps to complement what's missing.
I have GoodReader to read pdf files but the iAnnotate app give the extra capability to annotate pdf files. No longer the need for me to print all the pdf files and carry them around!

My List N Do will help me to remind the big and small To-Dos for the week or month. Imagine having this To-Do list everywhere cos I can sync with iPhone too!

Apple Note app is quite simple, that's why I purchased Paperdesk. I can insert photos and also leave an audio note.

Yesterday, I was evaluating few apps for mind mapping and finally decided to buy MindNode. Easy to use app which can easily jot down my thoughts.

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Quran for iPad

Previously I purchased iQuran Pro for iPhone. Its one of the best Quran reader and translation however until today the Company has not release the optimize version for iPad screen.

After a thorough search, I stumbled upon Quran Majeed. Although not perfect, its the best alternative. Downloading is quite tedious. Need to do it one surah at a time. [UPDATE: We can now download the whole Quran from 6 reciters easily)

Highly recommended for purchase.

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Just purchased another app for Mind Mapping called "MindNode".
Price $5.99 (Universal)
Easy to use graphics.

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Purchased Apps - iPhone and iPad

I bought the iPad last month (April 15, 2010).

List of iPad Apps
1 - MaxJournal - $ 2.99 (April 30, 2010)
2 - Paperdesk - $ 1.99 (May 1, 2010)
3 - GoodReader - $ 0.99 (April, 2010)
4 - Popular Science - $ 4.99 (April 2010)
5 - List n Do - $1.99 (May 3, 2010) - Universal
6 - Atomic Web Browser - $0.99 (May 8, 2010) - Universal
7 - BlogPress - $2.99 (May 8, 2010) - Universal
8-Quran Majeed - $4.99 (May 10, 2010) - Universal
9- AppAdvice - $1.99 (May 11, 2010) - Universal
10-ToDo for iPad - $4.99 (May 13, 2010)

List of iPhone Apps
1 - iQuran Pro - $ 10.99 (Oct, 2009)
2 - iPray Pro - $ 3.99 (Oct, 2009)
3 - Whatsapp - $0.99 (May 4, 2010) - universal

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Who wanna buy iPad now? Or wait...?

It depends...

The launch of iPad in Malaysia is unknown but speculation has been going around that it might be end of May or June.

If you can wait and don't want to buy an at a more expensive price (forking out extra RM 800-RM 1000) more, then don't buy now.

But others felt the extra money worth every sen. Having to use it now to the fullest can't simply describe the thrilling excitement. No more anxiously waiting while seeing others using it..

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Review: iLike iPad - How about you?

Don't dive in and buy an iPad for the sake of buying (unless you have tons of cash to throw).
People will ask me why I buy the iPad... Here's the reasons:-
1) I must admit that I am an Apple fan. I go crazy about Apple products. I owned an iPod nano, iPod Touch, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, Macbook, Macbook Pro and not forgetting Magic Mouse, Apple TV and Time Capsule.

2) iPad fits nicely in between iPod Touch or iPhone and the Macbook or MBP.

3) It replace your Books and Paper. For example, its iBook is simply fantastic. I purchased apps like Goodreader that can read yr PDF files. If u like annotate yr notes, u can buy iAnnotate PDF, which now I no longer print PDF files. I easily highlight and scribble my pdf files on iPad.

4) I have PaperDesk that simply replaced yr pen and paper or yr notepad.

5) I bought List n Do which organized my To Do List.... and organize my life... ;-)

6) Actually, my main purpose of getting the iPad is for reading purposes. I don't have to carry a lot of papers or carry my Mac to read pdf files etc. Its also very easy to carry and read without placing or paper or computer on yr lap. Good bedtime reading too!

7) iPhone is good for browsing the Net but iPad have a totally blasting experience! Just couldn't describe until you guys experience it. Imagine a 10" screen instead of the teeny-weeny screen of an iPhone or the BB...

8) I can still use my iPhone apps in my iPad (for example my iQuran and iPray which I purchased earlier)

9) Someone might asked - what about video? I don't watch movies that often but again watching on a bigger screen than iPhone is exhilarating! Youtube are excellent (if you have good network of course).

10) I also bought MaxJournal which is Diary for iPad which I used to jot down my daily thoughts etc... Wow... don't have to carry any diary anymore.... best nye...

11) If you like Digital Photo Frame - look no further. This iPad can replace that Digital Photo Album... All your vacation photos etc can be played 24 hrs... It can be a "big" alarm clock too!! hehe..

12) Don't buy an aquarium because there is an app called "Colorful Aquarium" which turn yr iPad into a digital Aquarium! Don't need to buy fish food....!!

13) I am not into games - but playing games on the iPad brings you to the next level of excitement... Alamak...susah mahu cakap... very thrilling....

Overall - This iPad will replace pen and paper, books and diaries, digital frames and aquariums, DVD players and mp3 players... etc..etc...

What more do you want? iLike...iPad... ;-)

Other Reviews:

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Blogging through an iPhone

The BlogPress application allows blogging from both iPhone and iPad.

With this application, I am now able to capture all my experiences regarding my gadgets.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Jalan UP 3/2,Ampang,Malaysia

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My New Gadget - iPad

Bought this iPad from Taiwan on April 15, 2010.

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