"It's Been Far Too Long" - Comex gave up on Jailbreakme 3.0 for iPad 2?

Here’s another teaser from Comex webiste http://www.jailbreakme.com
Do you think its coming soon or Comex just gave up?

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JailbreakMe 3.0 to be release on Sunday (July 3, 2011)


Is this true?
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iPhone 5 Infographic

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10.6.8 Mac OSX Update Safe for Jailbreakers

MuscleNerd tweeted regarding today’s 10.6.8 Mac OSX update is safe for the Jailbreakers.

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Hidden meanings of famous logos (including Apple Logo)

No wonder Apple Fans are like "Aliens"..! LOL

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New Jailbreak Release for iPad 2 and others will include 4.2.1 to 4.3.3


Here’s the response from @comex regarding the upcoming Release of Jailbreak which includes iPad 2.
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Complete list of the new major features integrated into iOS5

The following is a complete list of the new major features integrated into iOS5:
  • Notification Center: Probably the most significant improvement to iOS. The notifications definitely remind you of Android, but are more informative and practical.
  • Lock Screen Notifications: Another feature “borrowed” from other platforms. Windows Mobile did this and so does Symbian, but again, Apple did it better.
  • Better Facetime and Over 3g!! Here is something I missed. iOS5 has enhanced video quality for Facetime calls and will now work on 3G and not just Wifi. Of course, with Microsoft having bought Skype, Apple realized they need to get with the times and offer 3G video calling.
  • iMessage: Free messaging for all 200 million iOS devices. Sound familiar? (Ahem, BBM) The iMessage platform is not another app, it is part of the regular Messages app, which can get confusing, but so far, works like a charm and will surely save money for users.
  • Reminders: A much needed task management system for iOS, Reminders is location sensitive and allows you to configure your reminders as you see fit. Well designed and thought out.
  • Twitter Integration: Twitter is now integrated across the entire iOS and enables you to tweet a photo, article or pretty much anything else that would be relevant for your Twitter followers. The Twitter integration also makes use of the new Twitter photo service, another interesting feature.
  • Camera: The enhancements to the camera app are huge. It is faster, includes Auto Focus, Auto Exposure, as well as the ability to open the camera from the Lock Screen.
  • Photo Editing: The new OS has the ability to perform basic photo editing on the device itself. It is basic but includes red eye removal, rotate photo, enhance photo, as well as crop photo. All works perfectly.
  • Safari Reader: A great new addition to Safari is the ability to view any article you are reading in a “Reader” environment. It basically presents the content in a cleaner and more readable way without the ads that appear on the site and all the clutter. Of course, you can also share the article on Twitter or email from within the reader.
  • PC Free: There is nothing more frustrating than buying a shiny new iPhone or iPad and not being able to use until you connect it to iTunes. No longer, now you can activate and start using your iOS device without ever seeing a computer or USB cable. A much needed functionality.
  • Mail: The new Mail app has a whole bunch of new features, such as rich text formatting, dragging names within the various fields, searching the body of emails, and many more.
  • Wifi Sync: When you connect your iOS device to a power source to charge, it wirelessly syncs with the iTunes on your Wifi network. This is a HUGE improvement and something most iOS users have been waiting for for a long long time.
  • Accessibility: The new Accessibility options make it easier for the visually or hearing impaired to use their iOS device. The new features include custom vibrations, voice over improvements, as well as Led flash for incoming calls or messages.
  • Camera from Lock Screen: We mentioned this above as well, but you can now open your camera directly from the lock screen and with the new enhanced camera, the delay is minimal. iOS5 now enables you to minimize the photos you would have missed due to a slower load up time or less access to the camera app.
  • Pinch to Zoom: This is kind of obvious but with the new camera, you can pinch to zoom. Not much else to say.
  • Swipe Left on Camera to Open Photos: Again, a very obvious addition to the OS. Swipe left within the camera and open up the Camera Roll.
  • OTA Software Updates: Remember all those sleepless nights spent updating your iOS version? Well, now it is all over the air and you can enjoy a more seamless and hassle-free software upgrade process.
  • Delta Updates: Not only is updating your iOS version done wirelessly, from now on, you will not need to replace the whole OS but rather update the existing OS with the new features. This means the download and installation process should be significantly shorter.
  • Downloaded Apps: I actually noticed this new screen prior to updating to iOS5, so I am not sure if it is part of the OS or iCloud. Now you can access all the apps you downloaded from within the App Store on your device. That means you can always install any app you want from your libary onto your device and it means all your apps are not backed up, so they are save from deletion.
  • LED Flash: Part of the Accessibility options, you can now configure your phone to activate the LED flash on the back when a new message arrives. This is yet again, a feature found on other platforms, namely BlackBerry.
  • Videos App: I have to say, this was a little confusing before. If you have ever searched for videos on your iPhone, you surely did not understand why you had to open the iPod app. Now, the iPhone has a unique Videos app. Small but meaningful addition.
  • Weather per Location: Now the Weather app has hourly updates for your location and it appears on the notification screen (unless you remove it). This is a nice new feature that I will use regularly.
  • Background Sync: A few days ago, I tweeted something about iTunes taking forever to sync. Someone responded that they can call me and make the whole thing start again. iTunes sync used to make the device unusable until it completed the process, something that often took a long time. With iOS5, iTunes sync happens in the background and you can use the device while it syncs.
  • Space Usage: A nice new screen that enables you to see which apps are taking up the most amount of storage. You can also see certain files if they are supported by the OS.
  • Dictionary: An integrated dictionary, which enables you to define words in real time. Some claim this new feature will kill off many 3rd party dictionary apps.
  • Keyboard Customized Shortcuts: Yet another new feature buried deep in the OS, you can set certain shortcuts that when typed, will automatically complete the word. For example, type “TY” and the phone will then type “Thank you”. This is great for people that type long emails or documents on their iOS device.
iPad Features:
  • 1080p Playback: Of course, the iPad cannot play 1080p on the screen but you can now output the video to a larger screen.
  • Split Keyboard: A nice new addition to the iPad keyboard, which will enable you to type much easier with your thumbs.
  • Tabbed Browsing: Not sure why Apple could not include this on the iPhone as well, but now Safari has the full tabbed browsing experience we all know and love from the world of the desktop.
  • Airplay Mirroring (iPad 2): Anything and everything you do on your iPad 2 can now be mirrored onto an HDTV in the room. This includes rotations, genstures, and video content.
  • Swipe up for Multitasking Bar: A new and intuitive multitouch gesture enables you to swipe up with four fingers to reveal the multitasking bar.
  • Calendar Year View: In addition to the daily, weekly, and monthly views, you can now get a wider perspective on your calendar with the yearly view.
  • Enhanced Music App: A more designed and streamlined music app for iPad.
There are many more features in iOS5, but these are the major ones that will matter to users. As mentioned, the overall performance is faster and and more responsive, and the new notifications system is the biggest and most significant change across the entire OS.


[SOURCE: Blog.inner-active.com]
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[HOW-TO] - Downgrade iOS 5.0 to iOS 4

Have you tried the iOS 5.0 and felt that its better to downgrade it back to iOS 4?
Now you can do it by following the instructions below.

Here’s a source from Ultrasn0w.ca that showed hot to downgrade your iOS 5.0 beta.

Many people wanted to downgrade from iOS 5 to iOS 4 Maybe you rushed out to test your app on the next big thing but now have to deal with a bug in the here and now version, and you don’t want to buy an additional device,


 or maybe you just don’t have what you need yet and you’d prefer to wait for a later beta. Either way, it is possible to go back to iOS 4. Last year we showed you how to downgrade from the beta version of iOS 4 as well. I am pleasantly surprised with how good the first beta version of iOS 5 is, but if for any reason you need to go back to iOS 4, we’ll show you a couple ways after the break!

About me I don’t recommend downgrading firmware unless you really need to. It can be a painful process that most people won’t like dealing with. But if you need to, it is completely possible.

Downgrade via XCode (Mac Only + dev license)

Downgrading via XCode is probably the easiest way to roll back to a previous version of iOS. The bad part is that it can sometimes put you into a never ending DFU loop. You can typically use iRecovery to kick you out of it.

STEP 1 : Download the firmware version you’d like to downgrade to. For most people, this will probably be iOS 4.3.3 so simply find and download it via *iClarified*.


STEP 2 : After that Open XCode and from the top select Window and then Organizer.


 STEP 3 : You should now see your device. Under software version, it will show you are on iOS 5. Choose to restore from Other Version.


 STEP 4 : You can then navigate to the iOS bundle you’d like to restore to that you downloaded and saved in step 1.

STEP 5 : Let XCode do its thing. If you’re lucky, you’re done. If not, go to the next step. (aka if you get any error message or get thrown for a loop via DFU craziness.)

STEP 6 : You’ll need to use a program like iRecovery which is linked above. I use Faster iRecovery as opposed to the original. Also, download the libusb files for Mac as well. iRecovery uses these.

STEP 7 : Simply run iRecovery after you’d downloaded the libusb files and it should throw your phone out of recovery mode. 

STEP 8 : After this, simply restore in iTunes and you should be downgraded. The first time you may get an error, simply restore again like you normally would and it should downgrade successfully.

As a side note, PC users can also use iRecovery and libusb if they get stuck in a DFU loop.

Downgrade via iTunes beta with TinyUmbrella (Mac and PC)

You need iTunes 10.5 beta for this, which is also available via Apple’s dev portal (and maybe elsewhere if you scan the internet)

You also need TinyUmbrella:

  1. Mac download
  2. PC download
This is the route PC users will have to take. Mac users may also choose to do it this way if they don’t have XCode or the SDK. Start this process with your device NOT connected to your computer.  
STEP 9 : Install iTunes 10.5 beta and TinyUmbrella


STEP 10 : Then open TinyUmbrella and click on Advanced.

STEP 11 : Uncheck the box that says Set Host to Cydia On Exit.

STEP 12 : Restart your computer.

STEP 13 : Now plug in your device and turn back on your computer.

STEP 14 : After your computer restarts, you’ll need to go into iTunes. It may bring up error messages again. That’s okay. Just ignore them for now.

STEP 15 :  You’ll need to put your device into DFU mode. Refer to our DFU mode instructions if you’re not sure how to do this.


 STEP 16 : If you don’t do it correctly, just try again. When you get your device into DFU mode correctly, iTunes will pop up and tell you the device can’t be used until it is restored.

STEP 17 : You can now restore your device like normal.

Personally I have done this before, but you guys can try and report it here.
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New JailbreakMe 3.0 Coming to Jailbreak iOS 5 and iPad 2

In today’s Tweets from Comex (the creator of Jailbreakme exploit, which allowed users to easily Jailbreak staright from Mobile Safari), he teased the Jailbreak community.



And if you noticed that, in his Jailbreakme.com, there is a photo of PDF signboard. Even though Apple has quickly closed the PDF exploit hole, it seems that Comex is still teasing Apple with it.


Whether the teaser is really true or not, let’s wait for another couple of days and weeks if Comex release with a new update.
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Best Cydia Apps and Tweaks - Collection

All useful tweaks on Cydia Free/Paid Collection.

Free Tweaks:

1. AlarmDisplay - Add a badge to your Clock.app with how many active alarms, total alarms
2. Browser Changer - Open links in 3rd-party browser, instead of Safari. Configurable. Toggle in SBSettings.
3. Call InfoFields - Add extra field to incoming call display. iPhone only.
4. CyDelete - Delete Cydia packages from SpringBoard, just like App Store applications!
5. Direct Closer - Adds red cross on multitask icons.
6. Direct Control - show ipod controls first in switcher
7. Enable Usage ipt - Enables Usage on iPod Touch
8. EnhancedTabs - Makes Safari's tabs much better
9. FaceBreak - Enable FaceTime over 3G with FaceBreak!
10. Fast Copy - removes copy/paste menu choice delay
11. Featuers - Enable Multitasking/HomeScreen-Wallpaper/Precentage Battery/Unified iPod
12. Five icon Dock - Put Five apps on your Dock
13. Five Icon Switcher - Five icons in the multitasking switcher!
14. Five-column SpringBoard - 5X4 SpringBoard Apps
15. FolderCloser - Auto-close folders after app launch
16. GC Patcher - iPhone3G - Enables game detection for Game Center
17. HDREnabler - Enables HDR on iPod Touch 4G
18. LiveClock - Animated Clock icon on homescreen
19. LockSeconds - Second on lockscreen
20. Lock info - Customize your lockscreen with calendar
21. LockScreen Clock Hide - Hide your clock in lock screen and put them on status bar
22. MiddleWhat - enable FaceTime for region-locked phones
23. Multitasking Time : Add wifi/Time/battery on switcher bar
24. No Bookmarks - Stop Safari from automatically showing bookmarks.
25. No Folder Badges - Hides the folder badges.
26. NoAccessorySplash iOS4
27. NoLockScreen - Disables the lock screen intelligently.
28. Remove Background - Remove all apps from the task switcher.
29. Retinasizer - Enhance 3D games for high-rez display
30. SB Hidden StatusBar
31. ShakeToUndo Killer - Disables the Shake-To-Undo dialog
32. Simple Background - Perspective wallpaper on homescreen
33. Six icon Dock - Put six apps on your Dock
34. SwitcherMod - cool improvements for the app switcher
35. SwitcherPlus - Task switcher from Lockscreen & extras
36. Tab+ - More tabs for Safari.
37. User Agent Faker - Fakes the User Agent of the device.
38. YourTube 2 + MXTube - Download Videos from YouTube.App
39. 1*1 Springboard - This tweak is perfect for an iNav theme. With this Tweak every Springboard page will have only one icon in the middle of the page. No Blank Icons are needed.
40. Browser Changer : set your defult Web Browser
41. Enable Usage : For iPod touch
42. Enhanced Tabs : Make safari work the way you want
43. Fast Copy : make your copy/paste menu show faster
44. Features : Enable HomeScreen/Multitasking on iPhone 3G and iPod 2G works as a theme in WinterBoard
45. Five Icon Switcher : Show five icons in switcher bar(needs native multitasking)
46. HDREnabler : Enables HDR on ipod touch 4G
47. LiveClock : Shows live clock on clock.app
48. Lock Seconds : show seconds in lock screen
49. Lock info : customize you lock screen as you wish
50. LockScreen Clock hide : hide LockScreen Clock
51. MiddleWhat : Enable FaceTime on iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G in regions that apple doesn't support
52. MultiTasking Time : show time/wifi/Battery in your switcher bar
53. No BookMarks : Stop Safari from opening bookmarks when you open safari
54. NoAccessorySplash iOS4 : Fix AccessoryConnected
55. NoLockScreen : disable lock screen or enable it using sbsettings
56. Popup Blocker : block annoyying alert popups on your iphone
57. RemoveBackground : remove all apps that working in the background with on click
58. AllPlay : iOS4.2.1 Adds airplay to 3rd-party apps
59. Tabs+ : More tabs for safari
60. User Agent Faker : fake website about your browser
61. YourTube 2 : Download Youtube.app videos in both high/low res
62. iBluever Demo : allows you to connect your iPod to internet with your mobile phone via bluetooth doesn't save the connection
63. iSHSHit : Save your shsh blobs right from your device
64. Action menu - Adds actions to the action menu
65. Activator - Activate apps via gestures, buttons and shortcuts
66. AptBackup - Backup and restore your cydia apps for upgrades and iTunes restores.
67. Backgrounder - Enable and manage backgrounding as apple multitasking
68. BossPaper - Customizable Wallpaper app. similar to Winterboard. Show your wallpapers in a slideshow.
69. Categories - Move your springboard icons into folders!
70. Fuzzyband - A safer way to upgrade or downgrade your 3G baseband.
71. IncarcerApp - Disable Home button to lock-in an app. Uses Activator.
72. LastApp - Quickly switch to previous application.
73. Lockdown - Password protect your applications with Lockdown.
74. ProSwitcher - Palm Pre-styled application switcher
75. Remove Recents - Remove recents from task switcher on iOS4
76. Rotation Inhibitor - Rotation Inhibitor with toggle for SBSettings
77. Move common toggles directly into springboard where they're always there!
78. SpringJumps - Quick-jump to different SpringBoard pages
79. SprintBoard - Move faster through home screens simply sliding your finger like in Contacts.
80. 20 Second Lock Screen - Makes the lock screen stay on for 20 seconds instead of 5 seconds. Mobile substrate plugin.
81. WinterBoard : change your itouch/iphone theme

All Are Paid Tweaks:
1. ActionMenuPlus : Additional actions for action menu such as : History,Favorite,Lookup,lookdown,Translate,Diction ary-$2.9
2. AppSwitcherVolume : Show Volume slider on the now playingBar(needs native multitasking)-$0.99
3. AttachmentSaver : Save attachment that are in your inbox in Mail.app-$3
4. DirectCloserPro : Close apps easily in tasks switcher (needs native multitasking)-$1
5. Auto 3G : Turn off your 3G on lock-$5.99
6. EZDecline : Decline/Accept Buttons from a calll even when your iphone currently asleep/locked-$0.99
7. FaceBreak : Enable FaceTime over 3G-$1.49
8. FolderEnhancer : Improves and extends iOS4 Folders-$2.49
9. FullScreen for safari : run safari in full screen mode-$1.99
10. GPower Pro : Show reboot and respring with Turn off slide when u hold lock/sleep button-$0.99
11. Grid Lock : Put your apps wherever u want
12. Home page in safari : choose your homepage in safari-$0.99
13. iControl : Control your wifi/3G/2G/BT to save Battery-$4.99
14. infiniBoard: Vertically scroll your home screen pages-$1.99
15. infiniDock : Scroll your dock with infinite apps and folders-$0.99
16. infinifolders : infinite apps in folders with verticle scrolling-$1.99
17. Mark Read : Mark Read or unread your inbox messages in Mail.app-$1.99
18. MultiCleaner : close yourapp completely by holding home button-$0.99
19. PagePreview : slide to any page with one move by just dragging your finger on the page indicator dots-$1.74
20. PlayAwake : Put any song in alarm in Colck.app-$1.99
21. ShakeToUndoKiller : kill shake to undo feature-$0.99
22. Synchronicity : Work on your iphone while itunes sync-$2
23. iBluever : allows you to connect your iPod to internet with your mobile phone via bluetooth-$5
24. Safari Download manager - download any file using MobileSafari.app-$5
25. ScrollingBoard : Same as infiniDock and infinifolders-$1.49
26. AskToSend : Confirms before sending SMS/Mail-$0.99
27. CallLock : Locks your iphone screen during call-$0.99
28. HideEmAll : Hide and recover your photos/messages-0.99
29. iPicMyContacts : Show contacts pics next to names-$1.29
30. ListLauncher : Scrolling list of all your apps for quick find-$0.99
31. BluSelect : Rapid Bluetooth configuration from anywhere-$??
32. GroupSend : Send messages to a group of people-$1.49
33. LockDown Pro : Lock your apps the way you want-$1.99
34. MyWi 4.0 : Internet tethering-$19.99
35. SBRotator for 4.x : Rotate your SpringBoard in all 4 orientation-$1.99
36. Shrink : Shrink your apps down-$??
37.        PkgBackUp : Backup and restore your cydia apps for upgrades and iTunes restores-$7.99

Any more suggestions?
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[HOW-TO] - Jailbreak iOS 5.0 using 0.9.8b1

Just can’t wait for the iOS 5.0 Jailbreak?
Few days ago we broke the news and told you that iOS 5 beta 1 has been
jailbroken successfully. Today, the iPhone Dev Team has released Redsn0w 0.9.8 which jailbreaks iOS 5 beta 1. As you know, this jailbreak is tethered-only which means you that you'll have to connect your iOS device to your computer everytime you reboot it.
UNLOCKERS AND THOSE PRESERVING THEIR UNLOCKABLE BASEBANDS SHOULD STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS! You will very likely lose your unlockable baseband if you try to install iOS 5.

THIS JAILBREAK IS INTENDED ONLY FOR DEVELOPERS OF JAILBROKEN APPS! There are just too many broken components (Apple’s official apps, 3rd-party App Store apps, Cydia apps, MobileSubstrate apps, etc) for this to be useful to anyone but those truly looking to fix bugs in their iOS 5 jailbroken apps. (Seriously!)

THIS REDSN0W WILL NOT HACTIVATE 5.0b1! You need to be an iOS developer with a registered UDID to get past all the new activation screens. PLEASE DON’T PIRATE APPLE SOFTWARE! Only registered devs with Macs can develop iOS applications, and only those people will have legitimate access to the beta IPSWs.

THIS IS A TETHERED JAILBREAK ONLY! No new exploits are being exposed with this jailbreak (it uses geohot’s limera1n bootrom exploit), but that comes at a cost. You will need to use redsn0w to “Just boot tethered now” to be able to use many things, including Cydia and Safari. If you see a white icon for Cydia, or if Cydia or Safari crash when you open them, it’s because you didn’t boot tethered.

The way redsn0w works, you will very likely be able to use this on upcoming iOS5 betas, just by continuing to point redsn0w at the 5.0b1 IPSW. So keep that IPSW handy!

Download Redsn0w 0.9.8
Download iTunes 10.5
Download iOS 5 beta 1
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Exclusive Preview on iOS 5 or is it iOS 6?

Truly Magical...!!

If you want to Jailbreak iOS 5, click --> HERE.
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Apple - Introducing iOS 5

[SOURCE: Apple]

Click HERE to Jailbreak iOS 5.0
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Apple - Introducing OS X Lion

[SOURCE: Apple]

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Revealed - iCloud Features


Redmond Pie]

iCloud includes features that were previously available in MobileMe, as well as others we’re just finding out about now. They include:
Online Apps: many of iCloud’s features have roots in MobileMe, such as online Contacts and Mail Apps, which have been written from scratch, since according to Jobs, they the company has "learned a lot" since it built MobileMe.
Heavily Enhanced Syncing: back in the MobileMe days, syncing was merely limited to e-mail and contacts. With iCloud, important files, such as documents and pictures, can be synced across different devices. In addition, iWork users will be able to edit documents over this service and see the changes in real time, even between a Mac and an iPad, for example. That’s unheard of on other Office suites. The same happens with photos, which can be streamed to any device on the fly. Similarly to what happened before, information that’s added or modified on one device will be immediately pushed down to the remaining devices.
Backup: iCloud will allow data such as settings, books, pictures, video and even Apps to be backed up and show up across all your devices. That will eliminate the need for huge set ups during system reinstalls, for example.
iTunes in Cloud (Your Music Locker): this service allows any newly purchased content, such as songs, Apps or iBooks, to be automatically synced over the air to up to 10 devices. For already purchased content, users will have the option to download each song, App or book individually.

iCloud and all its features will be available this fall, although there’s no release date set as of yet. Developers can try out iCloud starting from today.
Probably the most surprising fact about this service is it’s price, or lack of it:  iCloud is completely free. There’s a 5GB limit, although purchased items and Photo Stream won’t add to it.
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Revealed - Mac OS X Lion Features

[SOURCE: Redmond Pie]
Mission Control replaces Exposé, Dashboard, Spaces: Exposé, Dashboard and Spaces were introduced in Mac OS X Panther, Tiger and Leopard, respectively. 6 years later, Apple has felt the need to merge those into a single view: Mission Control, which allows users to visualize all their open windows, full screen applications, widgets and spaces. The new view can be brought up using a simple gesture, or a single keystroke, whichever you’re the most comfortable with.
Launchpad: Launchpad gives users quick access to all the applications installed on the machine. Instead of having to navigate through the Applications folder, like we’ve always done, we’ll now simply need to bring up Launchpad. The new view also allows for better organization, like grouping applications into folders, like we’re already used to in iOS; and maybe more importantly, save the state of applications when they’re closed and opening them later.


New Mail Application: After standing still for years, Mac OS X’s e-mail client is finally getting a rather significant upgrade. E-Mail folders are now displayed a cross the top, not on the left, better message previewing and "Conversations", allowing users to consolidate messages from the same contact into an easy view.
Similarities with iOS (Full-Screen Apps and Multi-Touch Gestures): if you’re finding Lion at all similar to iOS, you wouldn’t be the only one. Apple itself is taking this release to "take lessons" from iOS and apply them to the Mac operating system. Launchpad, for example, is clearly the Mac version of Home Screen. That said, there are other features have have taken more subtle cues from the way iOS operates: for example, applications can now been launched in full screen. Built-in applications will include full-screen support, as well as third-party ones, if developers wish to. There’s also support for even more trackpad gestures, now built more tightly into the operating system than ever before: for example, switching between windows in Mission Control is just a swipe away.


Enhanced App Store with In-App Purchases: the Mac App Store first came to Mac OS X earlier this year, allowing users to download Mac Apps from a convenient location, being now the #1 source for buying computer software, ahead of Best Buy and Walmart. In Lion, Apple is adding sandboxing to improve security, push notifications and in-app purchases.
Versions: Versions extends Time Machine’s functionality into documents. That means that users can choose to "go back in time" and restore old versions of said documents from the application itself, like Pages, for example. Users can compare different versions and and even copy and pate between them, it’s that flexible!


There are other enhancements, such as Resume, a new technology that allows the computer to restart while preserving the user’s state: all opened applications and data within them will be saved, and be brought back up when the system is restarted; Air Drop, allowing users to share files back and forth with other Mac machines; File Vault with XTS-AES 128 encryption; and an enhanced Photo Booth, which now includes better face recognition, allowing for more effects:


Mac OS X Lion will be available exclusively in downloadable form, from the Mac App Store, for $29.99, similar to Snow Leopard. That’s an incredible price drop from typical version of Mac OS X with significant new features, which were usually priced at $129.99. The operating system will be a 4GB download and will be available in July, as we mentioned above.
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Revealed - iOS 5 Features and Availability


Redmond Pie]

Notifications Center: all current iOS users know that the current notifications system was showing its age. Apple has turned that around by building a new system, which unobtrusively displays all notifications at the top of the screen, even during games, and on the Lock Screen. By sliding them down, users will be able to visualize all unread notifications, or dismiss them completely by hitting an "X" button next to them. Very straight-forward. Notification can include missed calls, voice mail messages (which can be played right from the Notifications Center and even notifications from other Apps.
This system is very similar to MobileNotifier, which isn’t surprising, since the company has recently hired its main developer.


Reminders: this feature, as the name implies, allows users to set different reminders for different times of the day, and different places. Thanks to the geolocation support present in devices, users can now configure Reminders to pop up a notification at a certain time and at a certain place, and even sync across devices using iCal. It’s really to-do lists on steroids!


Enhanced Safari: The iOS browser now looks a lot more like its desktop counterpart, with a few extra features of its own. Tabbed browsing now looks identical to the way it looks on the Windows and Mac versions, with tabs displayed across the top, at least on the iPad. The new Safari also brings the Reader feature, displaying a website’s content in an easy text only view, but unlike what happened before, users are now able to bookmark content onto a "Reading List" for later or send it to friends.


Twitter Integration: as rumored, the new iOS 5 includes deeper system-wide integration with Twitter. While there’s no support for other social networks, this feature is integrated with many apps, including the Camera App, allowing you to quickly tweet out what you’re working on. You can log into Twitter from System Preferences. It’s a single log in.


New Mail client: similarly to what happened in Lion, the iOS mail client is also receiving an upgrade. The App now supports draggable addresses, as well as the ability to flag messages and search them and dictionary lookup, by tapping on a word and selecting "Define".
iMessage: it’s like iChat for iOS users. It lets you send text messages, photos, videos and even have group conversations, similarly to any other messaging client. This application is also a great new example of how Notifications Center, since this App interacts beautifully with it. With this out the gate, I one is left to wonder what will happen to iChat.
Independence from computers: Previous versions of iOS required users to connect them to a computer in order to set them up, update them or sync them. iOS 5 will put an end to all that, by allowing users to update the device over-the-air. There’s also a new set-up wizard for new devices, allowing them to be configured for the first time without the need for a desktop computer. Can those who hate iTunes finally proclaim victory?


Tens of small additions: iOS 5 includes a number of small improvements, such as direct game downloads in the Game Center, a new optional keyboard, enhancements to the Music App on the iPad and an enhanced Camera app.
If you’re a developer and have an iPhone 4 or 3GS, a 3rd or 4th generation iPod touch or a first or second-gen iPad, you’ll be able to grab iOS 5 from Apple Developer Center today for testing purposes, so you can get your Apps ready for many of the features we’ve talked about, such as Notifications Center.
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Watch WWDC 2011 Live Stream

Not many Live Stream are working now except this one from Techcrunch, Click HERE.

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To Be Unveiled - iOS 5, Mac OS Lion and iCloud - WWDC 2011 June 6, 2011

Here’s what people have predicted and will come true.

In a press, release, Apple confirmed that an iCloud service will be unveiled at WWDC on Monday, June 6th, as well as iOS 5 and Mac OS X Lion, Apple’s next-generation computer operating system. Too bad... no new iPhone hardware is going to be announced this time around.

“Apple® CEO Steve Jobs and a team of Apple executives will kick off the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) with a keynote address on Monday, June 6 at 10:00 a.m. At the keynote, Apple will unveil its next generation software – Lion, the eighth major release of Mac OS® X; iOS 5, the next version of Apple’s advanced mobile operating system which powers the iPad®, iPhone® and iPod touch®; and iCloud®, Apple’s upcoming cloud services offering.”

The press release also revealed that Steve Jobs, who stepped aside in January in order to "focus on his health", will be giving keynote address at the said event. While he made an appearance at the company’s iPad 2 unveiling two months later, many didn’t expect him to appear at a faster-paced and way more crowded conference like WWDC.
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