[News] - iPhone 5 Will Be With Rectangular Home Button

Rectangular Home button for iPhone 5!
Apple few days ago has released a beta version of its Photo Stream and there was something interesting.
Take a closer look at the icon...


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[INFOGRAPHICS] - Steve Jobs’ Greatest Moments, Products, Quotes

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Hacker Comex is Joining Apple - What will happen to the Jailbreaking Community?

This is shocking news to the Jailbreaking community!
What will happen to the upcoming Jailbreak?
Are we going to see all future Jailbreaking solutions will be closed?
Tell me your opinions….


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Apple iPhone Evolution [Graphics]

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[HOT NEWS] - Steve Jobs resigns from Apple - Social Media Goes Crazy with the news.


Finally the time has come when Steve Jobs unable to
continue become the CEO of Apple.
Facebook updates, Tweets, G+ updates and Blogs just go crazy with the news today.
Here’s the excerpt from his Letter of resignation.

Letter from Steve Jobs:



Apple has also released a press release on this news

Tim Cook Named CEO and Jobs Elected Chairman of the Board

CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apple's Board of Directors today announced that Steve Jobs has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, and the Board has named Tim Cook, previously Apple's Chief Operating Officer, as the company's new CEO. Jobs has been elected Chairman of the Board and Cook will join the Board, effective immediately.

"Steve has made countless contributions to Apple's success, and he has attracted and inspired Apple's immensely creative employees and world class executive team. In his new role as Chairman of the Board, Steve will continue to serve Apple with his unique insights, creativity and inspiration."

"Steve's extraordinary vision and leadership saved Apple and guided it to its position as the world's most innovative and valuable technology company," said Art Levinson, Chairman of Genentech, on behalf of Apple's Board.

"Steve has made countless contributions to Apple's success, and he has attracted and inspired Apple's immensely creative employees and world class executive team. In his new role as Chairman of the Board, Steve will continue to serve Apple with his unique insights, creativity and inspiration."

"The Board has complete confidence that Tim is the right person to be our next CEO," added Levinson. "Tim's 13 years of service to Apple have been marked by outstanding performance, and he has demonstrated remarkable talent and sound judgment in everything he does.


Jobs submitted his resignation to the Board today and strongly recommended that the Board implement its succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO.

As COO, Cook was previously responsible for all of the company's worldwide sales and operations, including end-to-end management of Apple's supply chain, sales activities, and service and support in all markets and countries.

He also headed Apple's Macintosh division and played a key role in the continued development of strategic reseller and supplier relationships, ensuring flexibility in response to an increasingly demanding marketplace.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.
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My QR Code

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Latest - New iPhone 5 Photos Revealed?

Source: http://www.iphonehowtojailbreak.com/new-iphone-5-photos-real.html

Photos: Engadget

New Iphone 5 Photos

New Iphone 5 Photos
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[HOW-TO] - Solve LED Flash is blinking while iPhone 4 rings

Here's how to solve the problem - check if the settings in "I'm Busy SMS" with the Flash LED is On or Not.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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iPhone 5 Release - Sept 5, Sept. 7 or Oct. 7, 2011

I am getting tired about this rumors… when will it be? Sept. 5, Sep. 7 or the latest rumor is Oct. 7, 2011.


Take a guess... Why 10:55... ?

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[HOW-TO] - Change your Mac’s Computer Name

Someone recently asked me how to change their Mac’s computer name because they were annoyed by the extra lengthy default in the ‘Computer Name’ screensaver. Although this individual was concerned about their screensaver, changing your Mac’s name is also important because that is how others will find you on a network, and it’s also what you will see by default in the OS X command line. Most of you probably know how to change their computer name already, but for those who don’t here is how.

Changing your Mac’s computer name:
Launch ‘System Preferences’
Click the ‘Sharing’ icon
Type in what you want your Mac’s new computer name to be
Close ‘System Preferences’ – it’s that easy
Name your Mac whatever you want, but you’ll want to keep it distinguishable from other Mac’s on your network. As mentioned earlier, this is also what you will see in the remarkably basic “Computer Name” screensaver.

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