[HOW-TO] - Manually start an iCloud backup


By Allyson Kazmucha, Wednesday, Oct 26, 2011

Running iOS 5 and iCloud and wondering how you can manually trigger a backup? iCloud will automatically backup at some point during the day when you’re on Wi-Fi, but if you need to replace or restore your phone, or you know you’ll be leaving for a while and want to make sure the backup is done before you go, you do have that option.

Here’s what to do:

  • First tap into your Settings app and tap into iCloud.

  • On this screen you’ll see a list of all the services you are syncing with iCloud.
  • Scroll down a bit further and you’ll see a button labeled Storage & Backup. Tap it.

  • Scroll all the way down to the Backup sections and you will see a button labeled Back Up Now. Tap it to start creating an iCloud backup.

  • iCloud will begin creating a backup for you. It can do this in the background so you can continue using your device like normal while the process completes.

iCloud will create backups for you regularly but it will only perform a backup when you are connected to Wifi and plugged in to a charging outlet. So as a note to users on tiered data plans, if you need to create an iCloud backup manually at least make sure you are on Wifi if at all possible.
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[HOW-TO] - Initiate iTunes WiFi Sync in iOS 5?

  • When you plug in your iOS device into iTunes with the USB cable, and click on your iOS device in the left column, there is a Summary screen to display the features of your iOS device. 
  •  It is the main summary screen for your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. 
  •  At the bottom of the Summary screen, there is a check box to sync the device using Wi-Fi.
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[HOW-TO] - Enable the Lockscreen Camera button in iOS 5.0

Ever wondered how to enable that camera button on your Lockscreen?

  • If you are reading this because you too, have spent hours looking for a way to enable the lockscreen camera button, you should understand the frustration.
  • Here is the simple way to activate your lockscreen camera button. 
  • On your lockscreen, just double tap the Home Button to make the camera button appear. 
  • Yes, it is that simple. 
  • Now you’ll be able to take quick camera shots without trying to find that Camera icon hidden somewhere in your app collection.
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Untethered Jailbreak iOS 5.0/5.0.1 - Might be delayed again!

Recently (Nov. 27, 2011), Greenp0ison website recently posted an article explaining about the progress of the untethered Jailbreak. It seems that the team will be having a no-holds-barred information WAR against Apple. 
Its a cat-and-mouse game when it comes to Jailbreaking.
So, I don't think we will be able to see the untethered Jailbreak solution soon. In the meantime, people can still either use the semi-tethered or tethered Jailbreak first. But that will be on their own risk. There is always a possibility that the new method required a clean iOS.
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[HOW-TO] - Unroot Samsung Galaxy Note With One Click On Windows

samsung_galaxy_noteThe Galaxy Note surely is one of the flashiest Android handsets out there with it’s massive 5.3” screen sporting the Super AMOLED HD display. The device surely packs all the elements to to become a media powerhouse for movies, games and music and not to mention editing stuff as well. With it’s full potential unleashed to rooting, if you for some odd reason want to unroot the device, it just got very easy. Thanks to XDA-Developers forum member dr.ketan for packing up the unrooting script. This script is to be used to unroot theGalaxy Note, only if you used the Easy Rooting Toolkit as posted by us.
The unrooting script, like the rooting script is meant for Windows only for now, though we’re sure Linux and Mac will follow soon enough. So if you’re sure that your phone was rooted via the Easy Rooting Toolkit, here’s how you can unroot your Galaxy Note.
Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.
  1. To begin, download the unrooting toolkit and extract it on your PC.
  2. Now make sure USB Debugging is enabled on your device. (Settings > Applications > Development.)
  3. Also, make sure to check Unknown Sources in Settings > Applications.
  4. Connect the Galaxy Note to the PC via USB cable and set to to Charge Only mode.
  5. Open the rooting toolkit folder and run RUNME-UNROOT.bat to begin the unrooting process.
There onwards, simply follow the on screen instructions and prompts to remove all root access on your Galaxy Note.
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[HOW-TO] - Root Samsung Galaxy Note With One Click On Windows

[SOURCE: Addictivetips]

By Zayed Rehman
Galaxy Note RootEarlier we brought you a few guides on rooting the Galaxy Note, but none were as simple as what we’ve just received. Yes, since One Click roots are all the hype nowadays, the Galaxy Note has finally received it’s first One Click rooting script thanks to XDA-Developers forum member dr.ketan for packing up the script and of course DooMLoRd, for his invaluable zergRush exploit. The script has been aptly titled Easy Rooting Toolkit and is meant for use on Windows for now, although we’re sure Linux and Mac will follow up soon enough.
Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.
  1. To begin, download the rooting toolkit and extract it on your PC.
  2. Now make sure USB Debugging is enabled on your device. (Settings > Applications > Development.)
  3. Also, make sure to check Unknown Sources in Settings > Applications.
  4. Connect the Galaxy Note to the PC via USB cable and set to to Charge Only mode.
  5. Open the rooting toolkit folder and run runme.bat to begin the rooting process.
There onwards, simply follow the on screen instructions and prompts to gain root access on your Galaxy Note. 
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Greenp0ison Jailbreak - Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.0/5.0.1 to be release on Nov. 27, 2011?


Something going on at greenp0ison.com tonight?
Check the website regularly!
Probably the new Untethered Jailbreak to be announce!
P0sixninja is the main member, with pod2g, in the Chronic Dev Team. P0sixninja and pod2g released Greenpois0n untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 last year and they’re willing to release something new this year too.
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My Experience - The First 5 Days Using iPhone 4S

  • What's so different between the iPhone 4 and the 4S?
  • I got my hands on the 4S a couple of days back (Nov. 22, 2011 - see my last post), and I must admit that I don't have enough time to experiment with the phone yet and cannot provide a conclusive judgement yet. However, let me comment some of things which I discovered after using it for a few days.
  • I predict Siri will be the new technology that will change the way that we interact with the Smartphones. We used Keyboard, and later Touch, and now we are able to Talk. Siri, unlike other "stupid" and "not so intelligent" voice recognition application, it responds naturally to your commands. Siri's brain actually in the "Cloud" or so-called "Siri's server" and requires the Internet to make it work. It is understandable because no smartphone in the world is capable of handling such intelligent voice recognition system. Thus, it requires the server to do that. Imagine one day, Siri is able to learn your profile and even suggest a "restaurant", a "movie" and might also remind you about your calendar. Technologies are already available to make it more intelligent, but unfortunately the network is not ubiquitous enough, and the battery is still limited.
  • Talking about battery consumption, this iPhone 4S really drain the batter very fast. I am not sure whether its really the software problem which Apple have updated its iOS to 5.0.1, or is it just because we use the iPhone a lot more than before. In the excitement of using Siri, we tend to forget that its draining the battery fast!
  • Since iPhone is equipped with a better CPU and higher camera resolution, taking photos are becoming snappier and browsing the Internet is far faster than the iPhone 4.
  • I love the iOS 5 Notification Centre! In fact, it brings quite a number of tweaks found in Cydia to the iOS 5. This is the beauty of having a bunch of hackers that provide excellent feedbacks to Apple to improve their iOS.

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Using my First Android Smartphone

  • Bought this gadget after a quick review regarding the how Galaxy Notes fits the professionals who wish to use this gadget in their everyday works. I thought it fits my requirements and thus went to Sg. Wang and here it is! My first Android smartphone!
  • I have always been an avid user and owner of Apple gadgets. To be one of the user that tries to move to the "dark side", I would say it was a really challenging one!
  • Android user interface is like a "jungle" - You can virtually get yourself lost in it! Even though this Samsung model came with Gingerbread the GUI is still so unfamiliar to me!
  • Getting around the apps and changing configurations are so difficult (for a person who have been using a simple GUI from Apple since the iPod and iPhone days). Initially I can virtually "vomit" and making me crazy.
  • However, one particular application called "Aptoide" actually saves my Samsung Galaxy from being an expensive idle toy...  You don't need to Jailbreak (iPhone style) to get a similar feature like "Aptoide".
  • There are few things that attract me: the screen display and the S Pen feature.
  • The screen is so much clear and because of its size, watching video is much better than the iPhone.
  • S Pen is great during meetings whereby you don't want to carry bulky diary or notepads and just jotting down some notes. In a boring meeting session, its great for scribbling and making graffiti. I love its simple way to capture screenshots, edit and later email to friends or post to our favorite social websites.
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